第3節 第17条(受理可能性の問題)、第18条(受理可能性に関する先決的決定)と第19条(裁判所の裁判権または事件の受理可能性に関する、異議申立)の、異議申立と先決的決定―Section III. Challenges and preliminary rulings under articles 17, 18 and 19
規則 53. 第18条(受理可能性に関する先決的決定)第2項が定める、譲歩 − Rule 53. Deferral provided for in article 18, paragraph 2
When a State requests a deferral pursuant to article 18, paragraph 2, that State shall make this request in writing and provide information concerning its investigation, taking into account article 18, paragraph 2. The Prosecutor may request additional information from that State.