第1節 国際刑事裁判所の構成と管理に関連する一般規定―Section I. General provisions relating to the composition and administration of the Court

規則 6. 検察局スタッフ、書記局スタッフ、翻訳者、通訳者による厳粛な宣誓 − Rule 6. Solemn undertaking by the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor, the Registry, interpreters and translators

1. 雇用の開始時に、検察局と書記局のスタッフ職員はすべて、以下の宣誓を行う。
2. 義務を遂行する前に、翻訳者または通訳者は、以下の宣誓を行う。

“I solemnly undertake that I will perform my duties and exercise my powers as (title) of the International Criminal Court honourably, faithfully, impartially and conscientiously, and that I will respect the confidentiality of investigations and prosecutions.”;
The undertaking, signed by the person making it and witnessed, as appropriate, by the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutor, the Registrar or the Deputy Registrar, shall be filed with the Registry and kept in the records of the Court.
2. Before performing any duties, an interpreter or a translator shall make the following undertaking:
“I solemnly declare that I will perform my duties faithfully, impartially and with full respect for the duty of confidentiality.”;
The undertaking, signed by the person making it and witnessed by the President of the Court or his or her representative, shall be filed with the Registry and kept in the records of the Court.