第1節 国際刑事裁判所の構成と管理に関連する一般規定―Section I. General provisions relating to the composition and administration of the Court
規則 5. 第45条(厳格な宣誓)*の下での厳粛な宣誓 − Rule 5. Solemn undertaking under article 45
1. 第45条(厳格な宣誓)*が定めるように、国際刑事裁判所規程による(各自の)権能を行使する前に、以下の厳粛な宣誓を行う。
2. 宣誓は、宣誓した者が署名し、かつ、締約国会合の事務局長または副局長の立ち会いの下で行われた後、書記局に提出され、国際刑事裁判所の記録の中に保管される。
1. As provided in article 45, before exercising their functions under the Statute, the following solemn undertakings shall be made:
(b) In the case of the Prosecutor, a Deputy Prosecutor, the Registrar and the Deputy Registrar of the Court:
“I solemnly undertake that I will perform my duties and exercise my powers as (title) of the International Criminal Court honourably, faithfully, impartially and conscientiously, and that I will respect the confidentiality of investigations and prosecutions.”
2. The undertaking, signed by the person making it and witnessed by the President or a Vice-President of the Bureau of the Assembly of States Parties, shall be filed with the Registry and kept in the records of the Court.