第3節 第17条(受理可能性の問題)、第18条(受理可能性に関する先決的決定)と第19条(裁判所の裁判権または事件の受理可能性に関する、異議申立)の、異議申立と先決的決定―Section III. Challenges and preliminary rulings under articles 17, 18 and 19

規則 60. 異議申立の受領機関 − Rule 60. Competent organ to receive challenges


If a challenge to the jurisdiction of the Court or to the admissibility of a case is made after a confirmation of the charges but before the constitution or designation of the Trial Chamber, it shall be addressed to the Presidency, which shall refer it to the Trial Chamber as soon as the latter is constituted or designated in accordance with rule 130.