第1節 証拠―Section I. Evidence
規則 68. 事前に記録された証言 − Rule 68. Prior recorded testimony
(a) 前に記録された証言をした証人が第1審判事団の前で在廷していないなら、その証言記録の際に、検察官と被告側が証人に尋問する機会があった。
(b) 前に記録された証言をした証人が第1審判事団の前で在廷しているなら、その者が前に記録された証言の提出に反対せず、かつ、検察官にも被告側にも第1審判事団にも、その訴訟手続の途中で証人に尋問する機会がある。
When the Pre-Trial Chamber has not taken measures under article 56, the Trial Chamber may, in accordance with article 69, paragraph 2, allow the introduction of previously recorded audio or video testimony of a witness, or the transcript or other documented evidence of such testimony, provided that:
(a) If the witness who gave the previously recorded testimony is not present before the Trial Chamber, both the Prosecutor and the defence had the opportunity to examine the witness during the recording; or
(b) If the witness who gave the previously recorded testimony is present before the Trial Chamber, he or she does not object to the submission of the previously recorded testimony and the Prosecutor, the defence and the Chamber have the opportunity to examine the witness during the proceedings.