第4節 国際刑事裁判所の権能に影響しうる状況―Section IV. Situations that may affect the functioning of the Court

第1小節 罷免と懲戒処分―Subsection 1. Removal from office and disciplinary measures

規則 25. やや軽微な性質の職権濫用の、定義 − Rule 25. Definition of misconduct of a less serious nature

1. 第47条(懲戒処分)において、「第46条(罷免)第1項に定められたものよりも軽い職権濫用」は、以下の行為で構成される。
 (a) その行為が、公的義務を実行する過程で発生し、国際刑事裁判所での裁判のしかるべき運営に対する損傷、または国際刑事裁判所のしかるべき内部権能に対する損傷を、もたらすかもたらしうる行為。たとえば、以下のもの。
  (i) 第47条(懲戒処分)が言及する者の権能の行使に干渉すること。
  (ii) 裁判長または統括部が法的権限の行使にあたって行った要請に、従うことを繰り返し怠り、または、繰り返し無視すること。
  (iii) 裁判官が、書記官または副書記官、そして国際刑事裁判所のその他の職員に重大な違反行為があったと知りながら、あるいは知るべきであるにも関わらず、その者たちが受けねばならない懲戒処分の強制を怠ったこと。(または)
 (b) 公的義務を実行する過程の外で発生し、国際刑事裁判所の名声に損傷をもたらすか、あるいはもたらしうる行為。
2. 第46条(罷免)第1項(a)において、本規則(25)のいかなる部分も、サブ・ルール1(a)が定める行為が、「重大な職権濫用」または「著しい義務違反」を構成する可能性を、除外しない。

1. For the purposes of article 46, paragraph 1 (a), “serious misconduct” shall be constituted by conduct that:
(a) If it occurs in the course of official duties, is incompatible with official functions, and causes or is likely to cause serious harm to the proper administration of justice before the Court or the proper internal functioning of the Court, such as:
(i) Disclosing facts or information that he or she has acquired in the course of his or her duties or on a matter which is sub judice, where such disclosure is seriously prejudicial to the judicial proceedings or to any person;
(ii) Concealing information or circumstances of a nature sufficiently serious to have precluded him or her from holding office;
(iii) Abuse of judicial office in order to obtain unwarranted favourable treatment from any authorities, officials or professionals; or
(b) If it occurs outside the course of official duties, is of a grave nature that causes or is likely to cause serious harm to the standing of the Court.
2. For the purposes of article 46, paragraph 1 (a), a “serious breach of duty” occurs where a person has been grossly negligent in the performance of his or her duties or has knowingly acted in contravention of those duties. This may include, inter alia, situations where the person:
Interfering in the exercise of the functions of a person referred to in article 47;
(ii) Repeatedly failing to comply with or ignoring requests made by the Presiding Judge or by the Presidency in the exercise of their lawful authority;
(iii) Failing to enforce the disciplinary measures to which the Registrar or a Deputy Registrar and other officers of the Court are subject when a judge knows or should know of a serious breach of duty on their part; or
(b) If it occurs outside the course of official duties, causes or is likely to cause harm to the standing of the Court.
2. Nothing in this Rule precludes the possibility of the conduct set out in sub-Rule 1 (a) constituting “serious misconduct” or “serious breach of duty” for the purposes of article 46, paragraph 1 (a).