第2節 第89条(国際刑事裁判所への人の引渡)と第90条による、引渡、輸送、そして請求の競合―Section II. Surrender, transit and competing requests under articles 89 and 90

規則 181. 国内裁判所での、事件の受理可能性に対する異議申立 − Rule 181. Challenge to admissibility of a case before a national court


When a situation described in article 89, paragraph 2, arises, and without prejudice to the provisions of article 19 and of rules 58 to 62 on procedures applicable to challenges to the jurisdiction of the Court or the admissibility of a case, the Chamber dealing with the case, if the admissibility ruling is still pending, shall take steps to obtain from the requested State all the relevant information about the ne bis in idem challenge brought by the person.